WhenEver and WhereEver mychinataxi.com will help you call a regular taxi or take a local pivate car to your destination.
Don't know Chinese? Can't tell the driver your pick up/drop off point?
Afraid of over charged? Don't worry,
mychinataxi.com will help you!Professional English speaking call center make your transfers in china no barrier at all!
【基本信息】作者:京尚易和(北京)科技有限公司 | 更新时间:2017-03-24 |
版本:1.0.0 | 系统:Android 3.0.x以上 |
语言:中文 |
【更新内容】WhenEver and WhereEver mychinataxi.com will help you call a regular taxi or take a local pivate car to your destination.
Don't know Chinese? Can't tell the driver your pick up/drop off point?
Afraid of over charged? Don't worry,
mychinataxi.com will help you!Professional English speaking call center make your transfers in china no barrier at all!